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Join us as we celebrate the 50th edition of the Ottawa Boat & Outdoor Show, returning this February to the prestigious EY Centre. 

Discover everything you need to embrace the great outdoors at the Ottawa Boat & Outdoor Show. From boats and fishing gear to powersports, paddle sports, accessories, and more, our show is your one-stop destination for all your outdoor needs. Find your next favorite toy, explore the latest products, and indulge in the thrill of outdoor adventures. 

February 20th – 23rd, 2025

Thursday: 10:00AM – 7:00PM

Friday: 10:00AM – 7:00PM

Saturday: 10:00AM – 6:00PM

Sunday: 10:00AM – 4:00PM


EY Centre

Hall 3

4899 Uplands Drive

Ottawa, ON


To purchase tickets, please visit:  https://www.ottawabos.ca/

Email info@mpltd.ca to receive a Military Promo code with proof of identification.



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